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"You Will Be My Witnesses." Acts 1:8
"Gathered and Sent from the Upper Room." Acts 1:13
Imagine the impact of 186 parishes across the Archdiocese journeying together!
The Archbishop has called every parishioner in the Archdiocese of St. Paul & Minneapolis to participate in a small group. To answer that call, SJA has trained a group of leaders through the ArchSPM Parish Evangelization Cells System (PECS) program, to offer a variety of small group options for you to choose the one that fits into your life, and we hope to continue to grow these options as we continue to train more leaders.
Please pray for each of us to enter the “UPPER ROOM,” to be a witness for Jesus Christ, and answer God's call wherever it leads us!
Small groups regularly meet, worship, evangelize, and pray together through frequent connections, catechetical teachings, and intentional worship and prayer, to grow in their faith and deepen their connection with the Trinity.
We hope to follow the example of the disciples by casting our nets far and wide to be "fishers of men & women," as we aim to grow our Catholic community right here in Shakopee, inviting all to join us in the “upper room”!
If you have questions or would like to sign up to participate in a small group or attend a future leader training session, please contact the parish office at 952-445-1319.
Be open to where the Lord is leading you and He will guide you along the way.
Of course, we want to be sure our lessons are catechetically appropriate, and since we are not all theologians, you may have concerns about the "teaching moment". The Archdiocese has helped by creating a list of approved resources and we have added a few of our own.
As a reminder, the pastor (in consultation with our Executive Cell Team and small group leaders) makes the final decision on what content each group uses for its "teaching moment." Contact the parish office if you have questions about the resources that you are interested in utilizing.
The Archdiocese of St. Paul & Minneapolis has provided us with a video training series for the Parish Evangelization Cells System (PECS). The seven video trainings are led by Archbishop Hebda, Bishop Williams, and Deacon Michalek and walk you through the why, benefits, and how-to of small groups in a parish. Those that attend the training series are not obligated to start or lead a small group, or even attend one. This will be a time of discernment and prayerful consideration of where the Lord is calling you. Some may be led to lead a small group in their home, others may want to use their gifts to help with a small group led by someone else, and others may choose to just be an attendee.
Each of the 7 sessions lasts less than two hours and includes an Archdiocesan-led video presentation, as well as times of prayer, teaching, and small group sharing.
Because this series is a formation toward leading small groups, and small group sharing is an important component of it, participants are asked to attend most, if not all sessions, in person. Recognizing that life happens, there is an ability to “make up” missed sessions, but non-live participation is intended to be the exception, not the rule.
Participation in the series does not commit you to lead a small group. Upon the formation’s conclusion, there will be a mutual discernment, which includes the pastor, on whether each participant will lead a small group and what type of small group s/he might feel comfortable leading.
Furthermore, the formation will help discern other supporting leadership roles within the small group, such as hospitality, communication, prayer, or music ministry, as possible alternatives to being “the leader.”
We anticipate offering the training in the future for those who are interested. We are open to ideas of offering a morning session, after Mass, or another evening session. Please call the office to express an interest in the training and we can discern when to offer another session again.
In January 2023, answering Archbishop's Hebda call to start small groups in every parish, Fr. Michael Becker appointed 12 members of our parish to be part of the SYNOD Evangelization Team (SET) for the Parish of Saints Joachim & Anne of Shakopee. Please see a list of our team members below. Feel free to talk to them about their experiences and thank them for their service to our parish's mission of making disciples of Christ.
SJA's inaugural SET team attended:
2024Catechetical Institute's School of Discipleship: Activated Discipleship Seminar
On May 20, 2023, more than 1,700 faithful gathered at Williams Arena at the University of Minnesota to be sent out as disciples of Jesus Christ across the Twin Cities. The event was a key kickoff moment to launch the priorities of the Synod of the Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis. The day included talks from Archbishop Bernard Hebda, Bishop Joseph Williams, Jeff Cavins, & Dr. Mary Healy, as well as Holy Mass and one-on-one time with prayer teams. Adoration was led by our very own pastor, Father Michael Becker, who has been appointed by Archbishop Hebda to be the SYNOD Vicar of Charisms for the archdiocese. We had many parishioners, including our SJA SET team attend this event.
Watch this inspiring video on YouTube for a glimpse of the Activated Discipleship Seminar and see why our SJA SET team was inspired and motivated to fish for our next "72". Be sure to watch for Father Becker!
* SJA Executive Cell Team (ECT)
ECT information: ArchSPM.org/ECT
In January 2023, Archbishop Bernard Hebda assigned Father Michael Becker to be the Vicar of Charisms for the Archdiocese of St. Paul & Minneapolis SYNOD Implementation. Fr. Becker is the first Vicar of Charisms in our Archdiocese. This is in addition to his role as pastor of SJA.
Fr. Becker will be leading events throughout the Archdiocese in prayer and petitioning for the Holy Spirit to breathe new life into our archdiocese and help develop the charisms of Catholic believers.
Watch for multiple Life in the Spirit seminars offered throughout the Archdiocese annually. They anticipate three different weekend retreats offered each year. They also hope to offer the School of Charism Discovery classes twice a year.
These seminars will help us strengthen our faith, deepen our knowledge, and grow our prayer life. When we have a deeper connection with God allowing us to bring back these characteristics and qualities and help build a stronger Catholic community of family, friends, small groups, parish, and Shakopee believers!
The following group options begin as a large group for the initial welcome and teaching elements, then break into smaller groups for the discussion and prayer time. You are welcome to join these groups at any time! It is always a good idea to connect with the coordinators of each group to confirm a scheduled group will be happening on the respective dates.
After three years of prayer and listening events with thousands of participants, small group meetings, video series, and a Synod Assembly with nearly 500 voting delegates, Archbishop Bernard Hebda released on “Christ the King” weekend (November 19-20, 2022) his first pastoral letter. Entitled, You Will Be My Witnesses: Gathered and Sent from the Upper Room, the document is accessible and inspiring, and well lays out Archbishop Hebda’s vision for a new model to renew this local Church.
Go deeper with these reflection questions for individuals and small groups, available in English and Spanish.
Archdiocesan Evangelization Prayer
Holy Spirit,
renew your wonders in our time,
as though in a new Pentecost,
and grant that this Archdiocese,
united in prayer around Mary, the Mother of Jesus,
and guided by St. Peter,
may spread the Kingdom of the divine Savior,
a Kingdom of truth, of justice, of love, and of peace.
Saint Paul, our great missionary patron, pray for us!
Adapted from the Prayer of St. John XXIII at the calling of the Second Vatican Council
Come Holy Spirit,
Make our ears to hear,
Make our eyes to see,
Make our mouths to speak,
Make our hearts to seek,
Make our hands to reach out
and touch the world with your love.
Mary, Mother of the Church,
Pray for us.
We stand before You, Holy Spirit,
as we gather together in Your name.
With You alone to guide us,
make Yourself at home in our hearts;
Teach us the way we must go
and how we are to pursue it.
We are weak and sinful;
do not let us promote disorder.
Do not let ignorance lead us down the wrong path nor partially influence our actions.
Let us find in You our unity so that we may journey together to eternal life and not stray from the way of truth and what is right.
All this we ask of You,
who are at work in every place and time,
in the communion of the Father and the Son, forever and ever.
Mary, Mother of the Church,
Pray for us.
The Road to the Pastoral Plan
Archbishop Hebda's Pastoral Letter
Archbishop Hebda considered the recommended Pastoral priorities and wrote a Pastoral Letter which was sent to parishes on the Feast of Christ the King.
The Pastoral Letter leads to a Pastoral Plan
to move our Archdiocese into the future!
See the letter on "THE PASTORAL LETTER" tab.
June 3 - 5, 2022 - Archdiocesan Synod Assembly
Pastors will appoint two members and an alternate from each parish from the team that attended the Parish Synod Leadership Team Consultation to attend the Archdiocesan Synod Assembly with other delegates from each of the parishes around the Archdiocese. Archbishop Hebda will also appoint more than 100 other members to participate in the Synod Assembly in keeping with canon law requirements. Approximately 500 delegates will gather to learn, pray, and discuss the Synod topics in a weekend event at Cretin-Durham Hall High School in St. Paul. Collectively the Synod Members will recommend pastoral priorities to Archbishop Hebda.
March 5, 2022 - Parish Synod Leadership Team Consultation
Each pastor was asked to designate 5 - 10 parish leaders to discuss topics in the three Synod Focus Areas at the Parish Synod Leadership Team Consultation. SJA held this meeting on Saturday, March 5, 2022, with 11 appointed members present, to view the Archdiocese video, discuss draft Synod propositions, provide feedback electronically to Archbishop Hebda, and brainstorm ideas for implementation in our parish for some of these ideas.
In Fall 2021, parishes met to hold Parish Consultations with small groups. Pastors invited all parishioners to participate in these small groups. SJA held six weeks of small groups and had more than 50 people participate each week.
The Archdiocese offered a "Praying with Scripture" video five-part series with talks and tools to grow in holiness. It is led by Archbishop Hebda, Bishop Cozzens, and Catholics across the Archdiocese. The five themes are:
1. Prayer is a personal relationship with God
2. How to listen to God in our hearts
3. Conversation with God: acknowledge, relate, receive, respond
4. Discernment of spirits: consolation and desolation
5. Overcoming obstacles
Find the videos and other resources on the SYNOD website
ArchSPM.org/SynodPromo or ArchSPM.org/ministerio-latino/sinodo/
The Archdiocese completed the prayer and listening events attended by over 8,000 faithful, providing over 35,000 comments on what works well in our Archdiocese and the challenges and opportunities as we move forward together. Based on this feedback and other consultations and discernment, Archbishop Hebda determined these broad Focus Areas that will shape the 2021 Deanery and Parish Consultation process.